Miracle Offering

Speed The Light


Traveling across Eurasia presents unique challenges for missionaries, particularly those without reliable transportation. Limited mobility restricts their ability to connect with communities and share their message. With our support, a family from Christ Place will receive a vehicle, enabling them to travel freely and spread the gospel throughout the Middle East.

The Academy at Christ Place


College can be difficult for a lot of students, especially Christians. Christ Place has partnered with North Central University through The Academy to offer students a safe and welcoming program where they can earn a fully accredited degree and discover and pursue their calling. The Academy has grown since it launched in 2021 to now have over 15 students, and we believe that it will continue to grow to reach and develop more future leaders.

Changan Fire Bible


In Mozambique, there is a deep hunger for the Word of God. We are partnering with FireBible to print a study Bible in the native language of the Changan people. This initiative will empower locals to study Scripture on their own and provide culturally relevant commentaries, helping them live out their faith in their everyday lives.

Project Rescue 


Across the red-light district, many women and girls have faced challenges that have led to feelings of hopelessness and disconnection. Project Rescue seeks to change that by sharing the hope of Jesus and the joy that comes from a relationship with Him.

Global Workers Sending Fund


Live Dead missionaries focus on mobilizing, training, and equipping teams to engage with the unreached communities around the globe. Two of our dedicated Nebraska Live Dead missionary families are currently fundraising to join the field. Our giving will help them get there more quickly.

Vision Builders are a group of fully committed people who prayerfully give, above and beyond their tithes, to global missions, local church expansion, and future Christian leaders.

Unashamedly, we want to be the church willing to reach people no one else is reaching.

When you give to Vision Builders, we come together as the body of Christ, each doing our individual part to rise up and see the extraordinary. It’s about generosity and faith at another level. Vision Builders live differently, realign their budget and priorities to resource a vision to reach the lost, forgotten, and broken in our community and around the world.

God desires for every nation, tribe, and tongue to worship Him. For people to worship Him, they have to be told about Him! We strategically partner with global missionaries, organizations, and projects that align with our focus to reach unreached people groups and plant churches.

The local church is called to be a light to our city and a hospital to the lost and hurting. Our strategic plans include planting more campuses, partnering with local organizations, and hosting outreach events in order to reach more people and care for children and families at risk.

We invest in and lead young leaders by empowering, inspiring, and equipping them to fulfill God’s call on their lives. We are committed to coming alongside young adults who will lead the next generation in reaching the lost, forgotten, and broken, whether in full-time ministry or the marketplace.

PRAY for the needs of our missionaries around the world. Sign up to join an email prayer list and receive monthly updates from our CP Missions team.

GIVE through a monthly faith commitment. Ask God what He could do through you in faith this year to give to Vision Builders.

GO on a global trip or serve in our city.  CP Missions offers trips every year and opportunities to serve at-risk children and families in our community.