
Resources for Spiritual Growth

21 Days of Prayer Resources

21 Days of Prayer & Fasting

21 Days of Prayer and Fasting Devotional

Putting Government in its Proper Place
Topics covered include-

  • Introduction to Government’s Role
  • Biblical Examples of Governance
  • The Purpose of Government in Society
  • The Fallibility of Human Leaders
  • Historical Missteps in Governance
  • Lessons from the Prophets
  • The Kingdom of God vs. Earthly Kingdoms
  • Aligning Our Hearts with God’s Will
  • and much more

Series Download

Bible Reading Plans

Bible Reading Plans


Becoming a Christ-follower transforms our lives and begins a life-long journey of becoming more like Jesus. Reading the Bible gives us a better understanding of who God is and what His plan is for our lives. As a church, it is our goal to infuse the Bible with everything we do, because we believe it becomes a catalyst for continued growth in Jesus.

One way to begin to incorporate the Bible into daily life is the SOAP personal daily devotional process. SOAP is an acronym: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. While doing this, write your thoughts down in a journal. Journaling is an excellent way to record and process what God has spoken to you.

  • Scripture – Take your time reading each chapter and allow God to speak to you. Look for a verse that particularly spoke to you and write it in your journal.
  • Observation – What do you think God is saying to you in this scripture? Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you and reveal Jesus to you. Paraphrase and write this scripture down in your own words in your journal.
  • Application – Personalize what you have read, by asking yourself how it applies to your life right now. Write how this scripture can apply to you today.
  • Prayer – This can be as simple as asking God to help you use this scripture, or it may be a greater insight on what He may be revealing to you. Remember, prayer is a two-way conversation, so be sure to listen to what God has to say and journal about it.

Reading Plan Options

One Story – The OWNit365 “One Story” plan takes you through the key stories of the Bible in one year. The plan shows how the many stories of the Bible make up one interconnected story – God’s story. The plan calls for reading between one to three chapters of Scripture a day from three separate chapters (i.e. the main storyline and key cross references), six days per week.

New Testament Plus (NT+) – NT+ is a 6-day-a-week revolutionary way to read through the New Testament. Instead of reading straight through the New Testament, the NT+ plan is strategically divided into reading based on authorship. Five days a week, you’ll read one chapter in the New Testament. On the sixth day, you’ll read a chapter in the Old Testament that was referenced in the New Testament reading that week to give you context for its New Testament emphasis.

Prayer Resources

A Note From Pastor Rick

Models Of Prayer



What Is Fasting? – Fasting is a decision to take our eyes off of our physical needs and desires in order to focus more completely on God. During a time of fasting, it is encouraged to plan additional time for prayer and Bible study. We believe God wants to speak to you during this time!

How Do I Fast?

  • Determine the Type of Fast: Daniel Fast – Eat Only Fruits, Vegetables & Grains, Liquid Fast – Eat No Solid Food, Other Types of Fasting – Social Media, Other Entertainment, etc
  • Determine the Length of Time: Examples: One Meal a Day, One Week, or 21 Days


Disciple Making

We encourage you to use any resource below in a disciple-making relationship with someone else to grow in your faith together.


Following Jesus

  • “Following Jesus” Devotional
  • “Following Jesus” Connect Group
  • “The Purple Book” Devotional
  • “Brand New” (book)
  • The Cure (book)
  • The Good and Beautiful God (book)

Leading Others

  • “Leading Others” Connect Group (seasonal)
  • “Surprise the World” (book)
  • “The Disciple-making Genius of Jesus” (book)
  • “The Emotionally Healthy” Church (book)
  • “The Ascent of a Leader” (book)
  • “The Way of the Shepherd” (book)
  • “It Starts at Home” (book)
  • “Mere Christianity” (book)

Multiply the Mission

  • “Experiencing God” Devotional
  • “The Challenge of Finishing Well” (workbook)

Healthy Sexuality

Healthy Sexuality

For Families


  • The Talk: 7 Lessons to Introduce Your Child to Biblical Sexuality by Luke Gilkerson
  • Changes: 7 Biblical Lessons to Make Sense of Puberty by Luke Gilkerson
  • Relationships: 7 Lessons to Give Kids a Great Understanding of Biblical Sexuality by Luke Gilkerson
  • Gen SeXYZ: Love, Sexuality, and Youth by Jeff Grenell


  • Build your teen’s lifelong faith in Jesus by tackling tough topics together one conversation at a time.
  • Helping Christian parents honor God and relate effectively to LGBT+ loved ones.

For Individuals



Care (& Counseling?) at Christ Place

Have questions about gender identity or want to talk in confidence with someone about gender-related questions? Sign up to become a One-To-One Care Receiver at