Welcome to the Christ Place Church Online Campus
Christ Place Church is one church with many locations, and one of those locations can be right where you are. Every week, hundreds of people gather in different places across our state and around the world to join in the Online Experience at Christ Place Church.
Live Experiences
Saturday at 6:00pm CST
Sunday at 9:00am, 11:00am CST
Sunday at 7:00pm CST
Weekend services are available on-demand on YouTube and Facebook beginning Sunday at 7:00pm CST.

CP Kids
We love kids! You can access resources for a CP Kids experience at home through the CP Mobile or TV App, or our YouTube Channel.
CP Youth
CP Youth is back to meeting in person (see the precautions we’re taking). You can also access online resources on our YouTube channel.
Connect Groups
We provide both in-person and online groups. To find an online group, click the link below and search, “Online Only.”
CHrist Place App
The best way to keep up to date with what’s happening at Christ Place, as well as access message content and resources for CP Kids online is to download our mobile or TV App.